mandag 30. november 2009
My first RAK (for my followers only)

søndag 29. november 2009
1 søndag i advent
Ja, ja. Men litt førjulsstemning har vi fått til. Jeg har laget adventsstake selv dette året. Og ideen fikk jeg for flere uker siden. Og det passet jo helt perfekt! =) Tenkte jeg skulle kjøpe tall på Kremmerhuset, men de var utsolgt. Så da fikk jeg stanse de ut selv med QK alfabet.
Duken sydde jeg i fjor, legger ut bilder av den litt senere. Den har flotte lillafarger og den er jeg stolt av å ha laget. Mønsteret fant jeg i Quiltemagasinet i fjor.
I don't know what to write in english for this post. I don't feel creative at the moment.... I feel a bit derailed.
But a little Advent mood have I created. I have made this Advent creation and this quilt. I will post some pictures of it another time.

Håper du har hatt en flott helg og stemningsfylt 1 søndag i advent!
Klemmer fra Anne
Hope you have had a wonderful weekend!
Hugs from Anne
onsdag 25. november 2009
Thinking of you! / Tenker på deg!
Men jeg har i allefall laget dette kortet her i utgangspunktet til the Pixie Cottage utfordring nummer 4. Får se om jeg får sneket kortet med i noen andre utfordringer også. =)
It's time for the 4th challenge at the Pixie Cottage!! Time flies! I don't think I manage to do nothing these days, and the christmas is coming too soon this year too.
But I have managed to make a card for the new challenge at the Pixie Cottage. I must sneek around and find other challenges I can enter too. =)
Thinking of you! / Tenker på deg!

Simple inside... / Enkel innside...

Håper du har en strålende dag!
Klem fra Anne
This was the post of today!
Hope your day is brilliant!
Hugs from Anne
Size: 15 X 15cm
Stamps: The Pixie Cottage - Cuddly cute
Paper: Bazzill and aquarelle paper
Ink: Memories - black, Distress Ink
Accessories: Pin, pearls, charms, glitter glue, ribbon.
Tools: EK - Retro flower punch and Stampin up - word punch, sewing machine.
mandag 23. november 2009
Magnolia Santa / Magnolia nisse
I have made a christmas card and entered a few challenges. Daring cardmakers theme "the first letter". I sont thing I ever have used something with the first letter A!? But as my name is Anne Sofie I choose S! And on the card you can find star, snowflakes, snow, santa, sewing and sentiment. One stop craft challenge #56 theme is "snowflakes". Allsorts challenge #28 inspired from a christmas carol or a song title. I choose the song "Julenissen kommer i kveld". Lots to do #47 have free theme this week. Magnolia downunder #27 will see a christmas decoration/card.
Inside I have a xmas sentiment "Merry christmas and a happy new year"
The image in front of the card.... Thanks for looking!
Have a wonderful day and I hope I see you another time too!
Hugs from Anne
søndag 22. november 2009
A new norwegian challenge blog. / En ny norsk utfordringsblogg.

To celebrate the start of this blog they offer a great candy.
Head over to the Sketchy colors blog and read all about it.
lørdag 21. november 2009
South end girl
I teksten nedenfor finner du linkene til de utfordringene jeg har levert til denne gangen.
Today it's time for a new post at the Pixie Cottage. And it's time for some new DT projects. I have used the stamp "South end girl 2" as image on my card. It's a very adaptable stamp who can be used for a lot of occasions.
Frosted designs challenge wants to se "paper tearing", and Littel papershop have the theme "die cut".
Here is how my card turned out. / Slik ble kortet mitt.
From another angle. / Fra en annen vinkel.
Håper du liker det du ser og at du tar turen tilbake hit en annen gang også!
Klem fra Anne
I hope you like what you see, and I hope to see you again some other time!
Hugs from Anne
Size: 15 X 15cm
Stamps: The Pixie Cottage - South End Girl 2
Paper: Bazzill, K&Company, old book page, craft and aquarelle paper
Ink: Memories - black, Distress Ink
Accessories: Charms, glitter glue, scrappers floss, doilies, glimmer mist, Prima - flowers and "say it in crystals". Tools: Spellbinders dies - label 4.
torsdag 19. november 2009
What about a RAK? / Hva sier du til en RAK?
Passerer snart 10.000 besøkende ( Og ja da, min ip-adresse er blokkert så jeg får ikke noen treff fra dette huset =) Dette fortjener en liten markering!
Så da vil jeg være litt snill med mine trofaste følgere. Og det gjelder bare for de som er følgere den dagen jeg publiserer RAK'en. Personlig syns jeg følgerne skal komme fordi de selv ønsker, ikke på grunn av en candy eller RAK.
Så hvis du har lyst kan du komme tilbake etter helga for å se hva du må gjøre for å delta i trekningen.
Ha en flott dag!
Klem fra Anne
Have you notised a big numer on my site? I have! It's amazing! Soon I will have more than 10.000 visitors. (And my own ip-adress is blocked. ) We haveto celebrate!
I want to be kind to my followers. And it's only for those who are followers at the moment I publish my RAK. Personal I want followers who want to become a follower becaus of my creations not a candy or RAK.
So please come back after the weekend so you can read about what you have to do to take part in my RAK.
Have a great day!
Hugs from Anne
onsdag 18. november 2009
I have made my own santa.

Jeg har gjort alt selv, malt ansiktet, strikket og sydd klær. Han er ca 60 cm høy.
Rammen rundt bildet er laget av Kristine, og hun er så snill at hun deler den med oss alle. =)
I finished my class and I have made this santa. It was 9 nice ladies and a great teatcher! I have done all by my self. The body, painting of the face, knitting and sewing. He is about 23 inches tall.
Buster wonder who this strange man on our door step is. But most of all he is interested in the wool. / Buster lurer nok fælt på hvem denne karen er. Men egentlig er han nok mest interessert i sauulla.

Some details.... / Noen av detaljene....

søndag 15. november 2009
Kortcupen runde 5
Her er det masse bling og glitter. Og det passer så flott sammen med det søte stempeltrykket "playful penguins" fra The Pixie Cottage!
This is the last lap in the cardcup at Papirgleder. I have choosen to make a chrismas card with a tutch of pink.
It's a lot of bling and glitter on this one. And it goes great with the cute "playful penguins" from The Pixie Cottage!
My entry for lap 5. / Mitt bidrag til runde 5.

Zoom of the image....

Some details...

From another angle.....

Håper du liker det du ser. Hvis du ikke har vært i butikken til Michelle enda, så er det virkelig på tide. I teksten nedenfor ser du alle de supre tilbuden hun har for øyeblikket. Et bedre Spellbinder tilbud skal du lete LENGE etter!! =)
Klem fra Anne
I hope you like what you see. And I hope you take a look at the other stamps Michelle have in her store too!
For those of you that love a sale and a chance to win extra top notched goodies, take a look at what is happening at The Pixie Cottage! Michelle sells a vast assortment of the latest stamps, tools, Copic Markers and embellishments!!! And ...on top of all this....she is having a sale!
Coupon Code
The coupon code, 10 % is good through the end of the November. Just type in the code at checkout. If you have any problems please let Michelle know. Also for everyone who signs up at The Pixie Cottage store this month (go to my account...on top menu and "register here" and make sure you sign up for the newsletter) or makes a purchase, you will be put in a drawing for a punch of your choice!!! Michelle has a selection of Friskars punches, some EK and some Martha Stewart. Winners choice! The winner will be chosen on Dec 1st.
Spellbinders Special
3 dies for 45.99 For a limited time you can choose any three spellbinders for 45.99. (No coupon codes on this sale please)
Hugs from Anne
lørdag 14. november 2009
Mange utfordringer har jeg også funnet som jeg kan levere dette kortet til. Må jo få the Pixie Cottage stemplene ut i verden!! Det er mange lekre stempel, og har du ikke tatt en titt i butikken Michelles scrapbooking & more enda, så må du benytte anledningen! Hun har forresten et knakende godt tilbud på Spellbinder dies!!!
Her er de forskjellige utfordringene. Jeg har for det første brukt skissen jeg fant hos Craft4 eternity #6. Kort'o mania #5 vil se egenprodusert bakgrunn. (Tar sjansen på at mine snøkrystaller er godt nok.) Charisma cardz #45 "merry and bright". Cup cake # 65 sitt tema er "snow much fun". Everybody art #65 vil se "distressing" og Creative inspiration #35 vil se noe nytt eller neglisjert /"new or neglected" . Lots to do #46 tema er "embossing".Paper cutz #17 vil se et kort eller LO med fritt tema. Basic greay #8 har temaet "Glitz and bling". 365 cards #259
I made this card earlier this week, and I had a great time! Rudolph is such a great stamp to work with.
I have found a lot of challenges to enter with this card. I have to get the Pixie Cottage stamps out in the world. If you don't have taken a look into Michelles scrapbooking & more this is a great opportunity.
Here is the great sketch. / Her er den flotte skissen.

My result. / Resultatet mitt.

The cute Pixie Cottage Rudolph!!!


Inside, clean and simple this time too. / Innsiden ble atter en gang ren og enkel.
Size: 15 X 15cm
Stamps: The Pixie Cottage - Rudolph, unknown - snowflake and personal stamp.
Paper: Bazzill, paper with song and aquarelle paper
Ink: Memories - black, Distress Ink
Accessories: Charms, bling, glitter glue, embossing powder,ribbon with dotts and gold stickers.
Tools: Martha Stewart - branch, EK - snowflake, word punch and Spellbinders dies - label 8.
torsdag 12. november 2009
Jeg har funnet en utfordring dette passer for. Cute card thursday #86 har tema "glitter me silly"
The flower with a self made center.
The inside clean and simpel too.
A funny stamp inside. The sayings are a paraphrase of the christmas song "Musevisa". And in the back a wreath of pine around my personal stamp.
Det er et veldig enkelt julekort, og jeg vurderer om dette kan brukes som årets utgave. Men jeg tror nok at jeg velger et Pixie Cottage stempel isteden for!! Før lagde jeg mange forskjellige kort og noterte hvem som fikk hva. For meg blir dette unødig ekstraarbeid som jeg ikke velger å utsette meg for. =) Nå lager jeg heller det samme kortet til alle sammen og slipper å tenke på hvem som fikk hva. Smart!
Håper du får en flott dag!
Klem fra Anne
This is a very simple card, and I wonder if this gonna be this years version. But I think I gonna use a Pixie Cottage image insted!! Before I made different cards and wrote down who got what. To me this is unnecessary extra work which I don't want to have. =) I prefere to make the same type to all and I don't need to think more about it. Smart!
Hope you will have a wonderful day!
Hugs Anne
onsdag 11. november 2009
Time for a new challenge at the Pixie Cottage.
Nedenfor finner du linkene til de forskjellige utfordringen jeg har levert dette kortet til.
It's time for a new challenge at the Pixie Cottage. This time you have to work out from a beautiful sketch. I have used Lilly's purse stamp, she is so adorable! And you can buy her at Michelles scrapbooking & more. And she has a lot of other great stamps in the shop. So of to buy! =)
At Simon says challengethis week the theme is "thinkin of you", I think this card fits into that.Creative cardcrew #36 theme is "doddles".
Jeg ble fornøyd med resultatet og føler at fargene klaffet helt. / I'm satisfied with the result.

A clean and simple inside. / Innsiden er enkel men jeg har tatt igjen mønsterark og halvperler.

From another angle. / Kortet fra en annen vinkel.

Det var dagens post. Jeg har ikke vært så aktiv i de siste par ukene, og det er flere grunner til det. For det første så går jeg på nissekurs hvor vi lager kjempeflotte store nisser (55 cm høy)
Hver bolk varer i 3 timer, 1 dag i uka. Men nissen skal bl.a. ha strikka klær så det blir litt hjemmearbeid også. Neste uke er både nissen og kurset ferdig! =) Det har vært et kjempeflott kurs med masse trivelige damer!! Du får du se bilder av han om du kommer en tur innom i neste uke.
Ellers setter årstiden sitt preg på hverdagen. Leddene verker, musklene er stive og fingrene er tørre, sprukne og til tider blodige. Men jeg liker jo selve årstiden. Vakre farger, og i dag skinner sola så flott! Og sannelig så fikk jeg akkurat øye på nøtteliten som hopper fra tre til tre, og løper stamme opp og ned!! Man må nyte øyeblikkene som er verdt å ta vare på!!
Håper du får en flott høstdag du også!
Klem fra Anne
This was the post of the day. I haven't done so much the last two weeks. It's a few reasons for that. I have been on a class where we are making our own santa. He is big almost 20 inches tall. I have knittet clothes and done some sewing too. Next week is the last lesson. So if you want to se pictures of my santa, you have to come back next week. =)
This time of the year impress my days. My knuckles hurts so do my muscles. My hands and fingers has crackles. Even tho I like this time of the year. It's so many beautiful colours and today the sun is shining! And I just saw a squirelle jumping from tree to tree. You have to enjoy the moments.
I hope you will have a beautiful "autumn day"!
Hugs from Anne
fredag 6. november 2009
Wonderful Hannah... / Skjønne Hannah...
At jeg ikke har fått tatt bilde i godt dagslys har jeg bare meg selv å skylde på. For kortet har vært ferdig et par dager. Og i dag da jeg ventet på de perfekte lysforhold så innså jeg at jeg måtte ringe dyrlegen. Buster var ute i slagsmål i går kveld og fikk en flenge i den ene poten viste det seg. Grrr... jeg begynner å bli rimelig lei av den katta som til en stadighet kaster seg over vår snille pus =^..^=
Har funnet noen utfordringer dette kortet passer til også. Allsorts har temaet "bring out your bling" Stamp, scrap & Doodle #14 wants to see "special folds" , The secret crafters #57 and Crazy 4 challenges #10 have the theme easel cards. Dearing card makers challenge is "getting krafty" and I think my tag on this card fits in. Creative craft #2 theme is christmas fun. Susie Sassy's challenge #1 has the theme christmas. Crafty calendar challenge #2 have the theme "weather". Stampin B's #31 challenge is to make a christmas card. Crafty cardmakers #7 challenge er "stamp something"
I have made this card for the release today at the Pixie Cottage. This time it's release of hollyday/x-mas images. I have used Hannah with her sled. She is so adorable!! Thank you Sandra for creating this beauty!!
I should have taken pictures earlier today, but I had to go to the vet. Buster was in a fight yesterday. One of his paws was hurting. But he had got medicin and is not jumping around anymore.
Hanna with her slade. / Hannah med kjelken sin.

The tag with flower and text "merry christmas" and if you take a closer look at it you see the snow on top of the ribbon.

A norwegian stamp from Norsk stempelblad saying "A lot of x-mas hugs and god wishes for the new year". And you can see the white flower soft around the slade and text. The flower soft can be bought at Michelles scrapbooking & more.

Hugs from Anne
Size: 15 X 15cm
Stamps: The Pixie Cottage - Hannah's sled, Norsk stempelblad - text "x-mas hugs".
Paper: Bazzill and aquarelle paper
Ink: Memories - black, Distress Ink
Accessories: Prima - flowers, charms, glitter glue, flower soft, white puff glue, ribbon with text and tag.
Tools: Martha Stewart - pine, Spellbinder label die.
mandag 2. november 2009
Cute Lilly
I have used a sketch from the Cutie Sunday #66 when I made this card. You find thelinks to the other challenge blogs in the text above. I have only used bazzill and no design papers. The text is a stamp and the sayings is a norwegian Happy birthday song. The cute stamp of Lilly can be bought at Michelles scrapbooking and more .

The image. Isn't she cute? / Er hun ikke søt?
Size: 15 X 15cm
Stamps: The Pixie Cottage - Lilly's Purse, Stempelglede - text and swirls, Norsk stempelblad - text Hipp, hipp hurra.
Paper: Bazzill, silver cardstock, Aquarelle paper
Ink: Memories - black, Distress Ink
Accessories: Prima - flowers, charms, glitter glue.
Tools: EK - edge puch, Martha Stewart punch, QK embossing dies, Spellbinder die.
søndag 1. november 2009
Kortcupen runde 4
I sat for a while with my thinking cap on, and had desided to not participate in this 4th part of the kortcup. The challenge was to make a folded card, with 3 or more folds. But finally I desided to make one.... My card turned out much different than I thougt it should be. A kind of clean and simple, and I'm satisfied with the result.
Here is my entry. /Her er mitt bidrag til 4 runde i kortcupen hos Papirgleder.

It looks like this when it's opened. / Slik ser det ut når det er åpnet.

A zoom of the angel. / Her ser du engelen.