It's time for another challenge at the Pixie Cottage. Along with the beautiful sketch made by Pam the optional is Paper Piecing.

Her er min tolkning av skissen. / Here is my take on the sketch.

Fra en annen vinkel. / From another angle.

Er den ikke søt? / Isn't he cute?
Og fra en annen vinkel..... / And from another angle.....
Some challenges for this card:
Creative Inspirations - Paper Piecing
Digi Doodle Shop - Anything Goes
Dette er vel det nærmeste vi her i midt-norge kan tilnærme oss sommeren.
Det regner i bøtter og spann, og temperaturen er stabil. Rundt 10 grader!! Brrr...
Håper du har en bedre sommer der DU er!
Klem fra Anne
It's the closest we get summer in the midle of Norway. It's still raining, and raining.
But the temperature is stable, around 10 degrees!! Brrr......
I really hope YOUR summer is much better!
Hugs from Anne