I går lagde jeg et kort med en vri jeg ikke har prøvd før.
Selve kortet ble jeg ganske fornøyd med, men fargevalget...
ja, ja jeg får trøste meg med at synet ikke blir bedre med årene.
Bare noen stopper meg hvis jeg begynner
å strikke sokker i brun og orange!! *knis*
Og ja da, til dere som har kommentert alderen min i profilen.
Den er herved endret til 39+ !!!
(Jeg tror faktisk det er mange der ute i blogglandia
som ikke korrigerer alderen sin med årene,
føler du deg truffet? =)
Yesterday I made this folding card with a pocket inside.
Yesterday I made this folding card with a pocket inside.
I happy with the result,
but not sure about the choise of colors...
Old ladies don't have eyes getting better and better...
but if I start knitting socks
in brown and orange, please stop me!!!
And some have commenting my age in the profile.
I have now change it to 39+ !!!
(But I do think that it's a lot of girls out there
who don't change their age, I'm I right? =)
Some challenges for this card too:
Stamp, scrap and doddle #28 - Charming
One stitch at a time #1 - Stitch
Sophisticat #22 - Stitching
Crafty creations #55 - Stitching
Stamp something - Touch of spring
Pixie dust #9 - Charmed
Our creative corner - Try a new technique (never done this folding)
Fun with shapes #41 - Spotted
Lexi's #7 - Spotted or striped
Crazy amigo - Stitches
Creative Belli #85 - Butterflies or dragonflies
Here is my card in the new technique. / Slik ble resultatet med den nye bretteteknikken.
Some challenges for this card too:
Stamp, scrap and doddle #28 - Charming
One stitch at a time #1 - Stitch
Sophisticat #22 - Stitching
Crafty creations #55 - Stitching
Stamp something - Touch of spring
Pixie dust #9 - Charmed
Our creative corner - Try a new technique (never done this folding)
Fun with shapes #41 - Spotted
Lexi's #7 - Spotted or striped
Crazy amigo - Stitches
Creative Belli #85 - Butterflies or dragonflies
Here is my card in the new technique. / Slik ble resultatet med den nye bretteteknikken.

Inside, clean and simple. / Også her har jeg laget en "clean & simple" innside.

From another angle. / Fra en annen vinkel.

And in the end the back. / Og til slutt baksiden.

Da skal jeg kose meg videre i stillheten,
og håper at dere også får anledning til litt kos.
Ønsker deg en superflott søndag!
Klem fra Anne
♥ ♥ ♥
Now I'm gonna enjoy the silence in the house,
I hope you are having a great time to.
I wish you all a wonderful sunday!
Hugs from Anne
Lekkert Anne:O) Liker de fargene og arkene. Tilda er kjempe søt, nydelig fargelegging. Stilig med den reima bak motivet:O) Takk for inspirasjon!
SvarSlettDu lurte på hvilke ark og printer jeg bruker til digi stempler. Jeg har en vanlig HP skriver. Bruker skisse ark fra Nille og Akvarell ark 180g fra Clas Olsen. Hvis du har problemer med at blekket sklir ut prøv å varmebehandle trykket med varmepistolen før du farger/maler. Så dette tipset, her
Gi tilbakemld om hvordan det går:O)
Ha en fredelig søndag.
Klemmer fra Nancy:O)
Great card lovely made Thankk you for joining us at One Stitch At A Time this week good luck in the draw ...and I do hope you will pop by next Sunday for our new challenge Please pop over to the challenge blog to enter The Guess how many ribbons in the pack (There are two to try just under this weeks challenge) and Sams Candy too you can't win if your not in it! Good luck
SvarSlettLiz xx
This is brilliant the colours a look fine to me hun, but then i'm older that you wish i was 39 again lol. Thanks for joining the Sophisticats Challenge this week. luv gina xx
SvarSlettDette var knallfint, Anne! Stilig med reima, og Tilda er nydelig malt !
SvarSlettHa en fin fin søndag :o)
Klem, Gry-Heidi :)
Hi hun thank you so much for sharing this fabulous card with us all and for enteing our first challenge here at OSAAT
SvarSlettSam x
Oh wow!! This is just darling!! What a perfect image for Spring!! so beautifully colored!! Thanks for joining with us at Stamp something this week!! HUGS
SvarSlettSå stilig!!! Herlige sterke farger og morsomt med lommen :-)
SvarSlettHa en fin kveld!
Klem Guro
Oh really gorgeous card
SvarSlettThanks so much for joining us at Sophisticats this week
Jan xx
Hi, this is lovely, great idea, thanks for joining usat OSAAT, hope to see you next time too, hugs Lizxx
SvarSlettWOW! Such a very beautiful gift card holder Anne!
SvarSlettI love the sweet image, the gorgeous frame, the sweet butterflies and the spotted paper!
Your colouring is so fantastic.
Thank you for joining us at Fun with Shapes and more.
Lots of hugs
Swantje x
How awesome! I love it. Thanks for sharing on OSAAT this week!
SvarSlettSkal si du er i siget for tiden !
SvarSlettOm å gjøre å bruke opp noe før nytt påfyll ?!
Artig vri på kortet.
Oh, lovely card Anne! I love all colours and idea.
SvarSlettThanks for joining us at Crafty Creations Challenge.
Magda x
fantastic card,i love it,the inside is as beautifully finished as the outside
SvarSlettthanks for joining us at lexis ,good luck in the challenge
lalkygirl x
Anne, what an adorable way to give a gift..just beautiful..thank you so much for entering in our first challenge at OSAAT this week..hope to see you again..
stitchy xx
LOL your too funny! Your not getting old, my friend! Smiles!!!
SvarSlettLove the card! It looks perfect!!
Thanks for joining us at Lexi's Creations Challenge! Good luck!
SvarSlettSaskia :)
superb gift holder, love it, thank you for joining us at Sophisticats this week. Hugs Avril xxxx
SvarSlettgreat card hun love those colurs and one of my fav tilda's too thanks for joining us over at OSAAT this week hope to see you again hugs cheryl xxxxx
SvarSlettWonderful gift card with great coloring. Thank you for participating in the Creative Belli Challenge.
SvarSlettFabulous card, lovely image and layout, thanks for joining us at OSAAT, hope to see you back again next Sunday for our 2nd challenge.
SvarSlettSarah xx
hi anne
SvarSlettyour gift card holder is absolutely gorgeous, love the colors and the sweet tilda
thanks for joining us at fw shapes & more
xoxo BA
Beautiful creation and thank you for joining us ta PDS
SvarSlettLana x
This is just adorable. I love the bright colors and the image is darling! Great job on trying a new technique. So happy you could join in the fun with Our Creative Corner this week!
SvarSlettLovely card and a really good idea too!! Lovely Tilda image. Thank you for joining OSAAT's First Challenge! Hope to see you next time too!
brilliant design Anne! Thank you for sharing this with us at Creative Belli!