I have this smal candy because I hope to pass 3.000 visitors until 13th October. And then I have been bloging for 6 months. It's maybe not that big amount of visitors but for ME it means a LOT! So a huge thank you to all of you who are coming back!
UPDATED 15 September. Because of the great amount of visitors I put 20 extra charms into the candy. I have now passed 4.000 visitors, isn't it marvellous??!!
Here it is!(140 charms) + 20

Now, in order for you to get this smal candy, you have to do this:
1. Tell me one thing I can change in my blog to make it better, leave a comment to this post.
If you think it's great, what can I do to make you become a follower? (I have changed the background from black to white ;-) I have spent some hours in front of the black one lately, and you have right, it's tough on the eyes to read.
2. Make a link from your blog telling people about my candy. (Sidebar is OK.)
3. If you like my blog and want to become a follower because you like what you see, I appreciate it a lot! But you DON'T get a second entry into the candy. Only ONE entry for everyone. ;-)
I will keep this open until the 13tht October and it's open to ALL who has a blog.
Good luck to you all !
Hugs Anne
Da har jeg satt sammen min lille blog candy. Den går til 13 oktober -09 og da har jeg blogget i 6 måneder, det må jo feires litt. Og slik det ser ut pr i dag har jeg i snitt 500 besøkende pr måned så da skulle jeg klare å passere 3.000 besøkende også. Kanskje ikke så mye å feire, men for meg er det STORT. En stor takk til følgerne og dere andre som kommer tilbake gang etter gang.
For å være med i trekningen må du gjøre følgende:
1. Fortell meg en ting jeg kan gjøre for å gjøre bloggen min bedre, i en kommentar til denne posten. (Jeg skal skifte bakgrunn ;-) så du må finne på noe annet.) Jeg tenkte at jeg ikke skulle gjøre noen forandringer før etter den 13 oktober, men den sorte bakgrunnen ble for slitsom i lengden til øynene mine også.
2. Lag en link i bloggen din som forteller om candyen.
3. Hvis du liker bloggen min og ønsker å bli en følger fordi du liker det du ser, verdsetter jeg det stort! Men du får IKKE en sjanse ekstra til å vinne. Bare ETT lodd til hver. ;-)
Candy'en er åpen t.o.m. 13 oktober, og er åpen for alle som har blogg!
Lykke til alle sammen!
Klem fra Anne
Hei,hei! Du når helt sikkert 3000 besøkende. Du er jo ikke så langt unna. Du lager mye fint, og en forbedring du kan gjøre med bloggen din er å få en annen bakgrunn! Ellers så var det veldig hyggelig å besøke bloggen din!
SvarSlettLykke til og fortsatt god helg!
Hello Anne,
SvarSlettWow! I'm so happy I just discovered your lovely blog! Beautiful creations!!
Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your candy... I can only dream it's me! You are at my yummy candy-bar!!
What I like to see different at your blog... maybe a short explanation in english by your work...and maybe a brighter background... But for me your blog is perfect by now!!
Sweet greetings,
Saskia :)
**There's 'summer candy' at my blog. Feel free to take part!**
I think you are doing a fabulous job with your blog! I love all of the icons in the side bar. One suggestion...you can add Cropstop to your side bar, please! Our website and our blog. Your cards are beautiful! I have linked your blog with mine!
SvarSlettAs you said the background will be better for changing, but please add english as your blog is lovely and I cant understand lol
SvarSlettMitt forslag er at du legger til slide-show. Du lager masse fine kort, og er så flink til å male stempeltrykk, så du kunne rett og slett hatt et slideshow med bare malte trykk, du!
Linken til denne blogcandyen med bilde ligger på sidebar hos meg, og du er selvfølgelig på blogglista mi!
Klæm fra Ingunn
Thanks for visiting my blog - I'm so glad you did so that I could find you! Your work is just beautiful and I'll definitely be back! Fab charms to win - thanks for the chance!
SvarSlettHugs, Danielle
Hi there Anne. First of all thanks for popping by my blog earlier.
SvarSlettNow then, wow ... what fab candy!!! I love charms so this is just an amazing candy to have a chance of.
The only thing I could think of would be to add a pretty header for your blog.
Thanks again for the chance to win
Hi Anne..
SvarSlettThanks for leaving me a comment on my blog..! its a lovely candy and I will become a follower.. I put this candy into my sidebar..
I would love to see some english by your cards, and a chatbox on your sidebar is also really great for a quick talk! Hugs Marley
Well, a lovely background to compliment your lovely creations.. that good. English to understand, would be better.. more lovely creations on yout blog would be super! Off to link you in my sidebar! I don't resist charms :))
SvarSlettCongrats on the hits!! :)
Hi Anna,
SvarSlettThanks for visiting my blog. I have added you to the my list. I love your cards Wonderful. I don't think I would change a thing. I love your Hanglar and Stanglar cards and am wishing I had a few more of those. I have been lucky enough to get 3 from a friend but that is it. Hope you visit my blog again. Thanks for the chance at your candy. I will spread the news.
Just found your blog from someone elses link I shall be adding you to mine. All I could suggest is an explanation in English please love your work.
SvarSlettSorry Anne, I guess I forgot to add my 'blog suggestion'! It would be to possibly change the black background - I find that quite tough on the eyes to read! Other than that, I love what you're doing!
SvarSlettHugs, Danielle
Heia !
SvarSlettMå vel legge igjen en kommentar jeg også da :) Ser at det jeg har tenkt på er nevnt i ett punkt tidligere ( hmm, skulle ikke ha ventet så lenge )
Det er at du kunne ha ordnet deg et bilde eller noe som overskrift på bloggen !!
Klem fra meg
Hej jag är svensk men tror jag skriver på engelska i alla fall. Akkurat?;-)
SvarSlettI will of course link to my sidebar
One thing you can do to improve your blog is keep it as it is, but one thing that always makes one happy(atleast me) is changing the Header (the top) and take a pic that includes your intrest, like lappeteknik och kort etc... Why not make a combo of them all so the visitor gets the full picture directly and gets curious..
And there is a webpage that has freebackgrounds I think 4 blogspot blogs... One second.. yep I found it! This could be fun to look through..
Now I will thank you for the wonderful opprtunity to win these wonderful charms. I will cross my fingers and hope to win!
Hugs Maria
hi, Anne
SvarSlettCongratulations on getting to 3000 visits in such a short time!
Would like to see all the suggestions above.
Thank you so much for being generous enough to offer such gorgeous candy to win!
I have added your candy to my blog on my sidebar and put your blog on my Google Reader and in my bloglist.
A lot of greetings from Germany - Regina
Congrats on the number of hits. I have posted about your blog candy in the bar on the right side of my blog: Paper Crafts, Pass It On , and linked it back to you. Thanks for a chance to win.
SvarSlettYou might think about making a special banner/heading.
SvarSlettDenne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettHello Anne,
SvarSlettI would pimp your blog a little bit up by taking a beautiful blog lay-out. You can take a look on mine. At the side on my blog in the layout itself, is the link where you can get them for free. Only a message with your email and you get the html-code.
Put it in your gadget under html code and wow there it is. Good luck!!
And I will become a follower.
Your candy is in my sidebar.
Kind Regards from Adrina (the Netherlands.)
Hello! What's a candy! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy". http://scrapmooooon.blogspot.com
SvarSlettIthink your blog is OK - very clean and simple...
Thanks for a chance to win!
hej anne!
SvarSletttack för besöka!
I got my backround for my blog from this wonderfull side: http://bloggerblogbackgrounds.blogspot.com/
maybe there is something for you too?
Thanks for leaving me a nice comment on my blog:) I became a follower of yours, and added a link to my sidebar. Loved the tutorial you had, keep using english hehe! Maybe you can add this to your sidebar so it's always showing.hugs, louise
SvarSlettHallo Anne,
SvarSlettyour blog ist very nice, i like it! Thanks for visit of my blog. Sorry for my bad english...
Now i`m your follower and i haved linked your candy in my sidebar. This Candy is not small, its very sweet - i love charms!
Greetings from Germany (Saxonia)Angi8
i want your candy so much!!!
WOW, what a candy!!! I will be dreaming to win it.
SvarSlettI would add something colerful to the blog-head, the rest is OK
i linked your candy at the alena-ax.blogspot.com
Hugs from Switzerland
Har dilla på charms, så dette klarte jeg ikke å motstå *hehe* Da har jeg laget et innlegg om blogcandyen i bloggen min. Syns du har en flott blogg, men kanskje litt anonym? Det gjør seg nok bra med en bakgrunn og kanskje en flott header:-) Det er ofte ikke så mye som skal til. Klem
SvarSlettFor en fin blogg, og så utrolig flink du er. Har lagt deg til blogglisten min :) For her vil jeg se mer.
SvarSlettMen så var det å komme med forslag da. Hmmmm.. Kanskje du kan lage deg en rubrikk til?
Nå skal jeg iallefall innformere mine følgere om bloggen din:)
Hallo Anne
SvarSlettSo beautiful candy!!!
I think your blog is remarkable!
Now i`m your follower and I've linked your candy on my sidebar
Excellent candy! Very much it would be desirable!
It would be more interesting to me, if here was a little personal (other interests and hobbies, a family, children, animal, travel). It is very interesting to learn people who do such beauty!
SvarSlettAnd works simply shaking!!!
Hi Anne.. its a lovely candy and I put this candy into my sidebar..
Thanks so much for the candy offer! Looks yummy! Gotta love all those charms! I've listed it in my blog sidebar for all to see!
SvarSlettAs far as your blog goes......I think it's lovely. Very easy to read & see everything you have to offer. You can always add free backgrounds from so many online sites but maybe just add your favorite light color like soft pink or blue or green or yellow.......LOL.......you get the idea. Have fun with it!
Huggies ~
Takk for kommentar i bloggen min:) Bøtta di høres fin ut!!! Kanskje jeg skal scrappe den ja:: hehe scrapping funker jo på alt:P
SvarSlettAnne, du har en flott blogg.
SvarSlettTakk for den fantastiske candy.
Anne, at you a remarkable blog.
Thanks for a remarkable candy.
HI Anne,
SvarSlettyoure blog is so lovely and youre candy are amazing, I love it.
I take it to my blog.
Big greetings
from north germany
Hi Anne,
SvarSlettI like your blog. The only thing I would change would be a little bit more colour for the background.
Thank you for the chance to win this great candy.
I linked you in my sidebar
Hi!!!The only thing I would change would be a little bit more colour for the background.
SvarSlettThank you for your comment on my blog!
Anne you work is gorgeous. Looks like you made your 3,000 - CONGRATS !!!!! I have added your candy to my sidebar.
SvarSlettI looooove charms - so thank you for the chance to win some !!
Here is my blog
Oh, I forgot - I have now become a follower of yours. I think the only thing I would consider changing on your blog is the banner - add some pics or some of your own creativity.
SvarSlettWhat a lovely blog candy and I've enjoyed visiting your blog too :).
SvarSlettIt's hard to think of anything to change, but maybe a picture of your cards as part of the header?
The white background is easy to read, but not very decorative
Fantastisk candy, Anne:O) Jeg prøver å bruke charms på de fleste kortene jeg lager, så tusen takk for sjansen til å vinne disse herlighetene;O)
SvarSlettJeg er allerede en follower, og jeg ser hos meg at "stien endres mens du går". Jeg tror at hvis du er aktiv blogger ut, så kommer det mange inn til deg og. Bloggen din er god nok!
(Jeg har også holdt på i seks mnd.)
Klem, Nancy;O)
Thank you for stopping by mt blog Anne. Nice to have a Norweigan visitor!
SvarSlettGratulerer med over 3000 besøkende (nærmere 4000 nå:o) Super candy ! Takk for sjansen til å vinne såååå mange herlige charms :o)
SvarSlettJeg har linket og lagt ut bilde i sidebaren min...når det gjelder forslag til forbedring i bloggen...tja..hva med tre kolonner istedenfor to ? :)
Klem, Gry-Heidi :)
Great candy!
SvarSlettThank you for the chance to win !!!
I want to be lucky winner:)
Linked it on my sidebar. Welcome to my blog and thanks.....
hello and thank you for your comment on my blog
SvarSlettwhat you can do is go to this blog, http://cute-bloglayouts.blogspot.com/ she had great backgrounds you can place in your blog if you want
I want to follow you but can't find the foloow block , when I am opening your blog it says down to the bottom line, mistake on this page so I will try later ok?? you make great things too
Hi Anne, thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment. Lovely candy, well done on so many hits.I think the blog looks great as it is, I know you could get one of the free cute backgrounds but sometime I find that when I visit blogs that use them the page takes a long time to load up. I've just become a follower as I love what you do, off to post a link to your candy on my sidebar
SvarSlettChris xx
heyyyy finally a follower thank you for warning that it worked ok again
SvarSlettHi anne
SvarSlettHave just discovered your blog via Marley.
I have a black blog and can't bring myself to change it - too much hassle!
I love music but it's not everyones taste, my little Ipod can be turned off though!!
Love your work
Will add you to my candy box - it's always exciting when you get more and more visitors..
Hi there Anne. Congrats on all the hits.
SvarSlettYour blog looks just great. I wouldn't change a thing. I have become a follower though, cause I couldn't resist. I have also attached your blog candy to the sidebar on my blog.
Thanks for the great chance to win.
SvarSlettwhat a great candy!
I have you linked in my sidebar.
lg yvonne
hei, flott candy du har!
SvarSlettsynest bloggen din er grei og oversiktlig.
enig i at den hvite bakfrunnen var behagelig for øynene.
klem fra Benedicte
With such nice works, you soon shall have 10.000 visitants.Thank you for your mail.
SvarSlettA big smak.
I added a link in my sidebar and become a follower!
SvarSlettI think you could change the skin of your blog to make it look more special.
Your Blog is wonderful...I love your creations! I can't find anything I would change, keep the beautiful work coming! I will gladly link you, thank you for the chance!
Hi! What a great candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I linked it on the sidebar of my blog. http://creativika.blogspot.com
SvarSlettI think your blog will look great if you'll change the background, it should be a colourful one. :)
Best wishes!
Wow nice candy! I am now a follower of yours thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting on my camping album!
Hi Anne, this is awesome candy you are offering!!!
SvarSlettI'd be thrilled to won them!!
You blog is great, yours cards are marvelous...
I love backgrounds on blogs, so that is what I would add to your blog.. you can find beautiful and not dark ones at custest blog on the blog
Thanks for the chance to win!! I'm linking it on your sidebar!!
Hi Anne,
SvarSlettI have posted your Candy in my sidebar! I like your blog already but maybe you can space it up with more colors, flowers maybe? Thank you for a chance to win!
Hi!!!! thanks for the chance
SvarSlettI wouldn't change a thing in your blog.
Now i`m your follower and I've linked your candy in my blog.
hugs from Argentine
Hi! Very nice candy! I like it!
SvarSlettYour blog can be left such - distracts nothing. It is pleasant to me)
My blog http://laromeducafe.blogspot.com/2009/09/13-httpannes-hobbyblogg.html
Fabulous candy! Thank you for the chance to win :) I posted this candy on my sidebar.
SvarSlettI'm not sure what you can change in your blog, it looks good to me, maybe you could add a few colors? Create a very cute banner for your header could be a good change :)
Wow Anne! What a lovely place you have!!!! The funny thing is that tonight I was shopping charms as I have none in my stash and find they ad such a great detail on cards and projects. Maybe that's a sign?? *smile*
SvarSlettAs for your blog, I must agree with most saying that your blog is fab but a bit more coloured punch would make it even more striking!
Thanks for the wonderful candy, you are now linked on my sidebar :)
Hello Anne,
SvarSletta lovely candy!! I love charms.
I think it would be nice if your blog would have another background, something colorful. But i like your blog also when the background is white ;)
I linked you on my sidebar.
Hei Anne!
SvarSlettJeg elsker charms - og her var det mye fint, så jeg vil gjerne være med ;)
Legger bildelink i bloggen min straks, og så har jeg lagt deg til i blogglista mi, slik at jeg kan besøke deg igjen ;)
Pssst! Jeg har listet meg tilbake...*fnis*
SvarSlettOkay, hva kan du gjøre for at bloggen skal bli enda bedre??? Legge på en bakgrunn kanskje, slik at det blir litt mer "liv" på siden din ;) Du kan evt finne en logo i sidebaren min, hvor det står "Cute bloglayouts" ;)
Og jeg får desverre ikke lagt meg til som følger av bloggen din, for den er simpelthen ikke der ;(
Kanskje du må prøve å legge den inn på nytt?
Go'klem fra meg
Anne you have a fantastic blog! I love the white background....very easy to read! I think if I were you I would make your wording a tad bigger...but that's just my opinion! :) Thank you so much for the chance to win some beautiful charms! You are so kind and generous! I've posted your candy on my sidebar!
SvarSlettHugs~ Kim
Hello Anne from Canberra Australia! Congratulations on your fabulous Blog - I love it as it ia - it is all dowen to each indiviuals personal taste...and yours is great!
SvarSlettI am now a follower and am off to link your Candy to my blog:
and would love you to visit sometime! Thanks again for the chance to play for these gorgeous embellishments! God bless you!
Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettФантастическая конфеты, Анна!
SvarSlettМне нравится ваш блог. Единственное, что я бы изменений будет немного больше цвета для фона.
Я связан вас в боковую панель
Спасибо за шанс выиграть эту большую конфету.
Объятия ...
Fab candy!
SvarSlettLinked it on my sidebar.
You could add colours or something to your header, but I like white backround.
Wow Thanks for the chance at all your candy I follow and have linked you all up
SvarSlettsorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
But for me your blog is perfect by now!!
congratulations! thank you for the chance to win your blog candy! i've added a link to your site in my blog.
SvarSlettDenne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettI've placed your blog candy on my blog side.
SvarSlettSince I'm a beginner, I'd love to see tutorial how you make your beautiful creations and about your technique, thank you :)
Hi anne, I just came across your blog~~it is very nice!! The only thing I feel you could add to your blog is maybe a design to your header~~would only make it more eye appealing~~not necessary b/c your cards show your talent!!!! Love the candy treats. Good luck to all!! Linked your candy to sidebar. View HERE
SvarSlettBlessings Mary Lou
Great candy!!
SvarSlettYour blog is clearly visible and I also think like you that white background is better than black.
I linked your candy on my blog (sidebar) with a picture and I become your follower. Thanks for the chance to win this candy!
Hugs, Andreja
Hi Anne,
SvarSlettThank you for visiting my blog and for the kind comments:)
Your blog candy is lovely and what a variety of awesome goodness!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Hei Anne!
SvarSlettTakker for hygelig komentar i bloggen min.
Det er jo alltid hyggelig når noen legger igjen en hilsen til en. Nå har jeg lagt meg til i følger listen din, og i bloggarkivet mitt, så jeg ikke går glipp av noen nyheter;)
For du har mye fint på siden din:)
Om jeg forsto deg riktig, noe jeg ikke er sikekr på*LOL* så jeg spør. Har du også ME?
Hello Anne
SvarSlettWhat a beautifull blog candy.
I've posted your link in my blog and just want to tell you that you've a beautifull blogg.
hello again, i forgot to tell you the one thing you can change -i think a more attractive, crafty header and border (still a white background) would make your site look more attractive.
SvarSlettHi Anne,
SvarSlettYou have a great blog!I have become a follower!
If there would be one thing I would like to see different at your blog,is that you write the first bit in English and after that Norwegian.As you are an International Blogger.That would make it much easier to read I think.
Besides that,your blog is just great!
I would love to have a chance to win that very yummy blogcandy and will put a link on my blog:
Greetings from Stempelientje.
SvarSlettJag är jätteglad att jag hittade hit, jag har hittat så mycket inspiration till kort. Roligt!
Mitt tips är att du gör/skaffar en header, längst upp på din blogg. Jag tror att det skulle göra att det är roligare att komma hit, och att det skulle inspirera till att vilja titta mer i din blogg.
Tack för en underbart generös utlottning.
Jag har satt in en bild och länk till din blogg i min sidebar på min blogg.
Kom gärna och hälsa på... =)
Lee (Sverige)
Hey Anne,
SvarSlettThe one thing you could change on your blog is maybe a nice background. I became a follower and linked your candy to my blog.
I think your blog is great! White and black background better than color IMHO!
SvarSlettGreat blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm your follower and I posted a link on the sidebar of my blog
Hopped on over from Shirley's blog... lovely artwork on your blog! will visit again surely! love your candy too! but I am sure I will never win... Hahaha! Hugs always!
SvarSlettHi Anne
SvarSlettI like your site it's quick and easy to see
thanks for the chance at your candy
I've linked you up in my sidebar
hugs Nikki C
Hi Anne,
SvarSlettI like the idea to ask people about their opinion of your blog. As the others said before, I would just add a nice background and that's all!
Thank you for the chance to win such great candy! I'm just starting using charms.
Greetings from Germany,
Åh, jeg er veeeeldig svak for charms og metallpynt!! Og her var det noen himla stilige. :) Når det gjelder forbedring..... *tenke* Jeg sliter også med varierende lysforhold, men har akkurat funnet ut av hvordan jeg kan stille hvitbalansen på kameraet mitt manuelt! Hvis du har et kamera med den muligheten så er det et godt verktøy for å få riktige farger på alle bildene. :)
SvarSlettLykke til videre, hilsen en annen relativt ny og liten blogg. ;)
Hi Anne!
SvarSlettYou have a wunderfull blog and you make very beautiful things! I linked your candy on my sidebar!
Hugs and greetings from Austria
Hi Anne, I love your blog. The lighter background is much easier to read :) How about a decorative header?
SvarSlettI've linked you up on my sidebar, thanks for the chance to win those gorgeous charms.
Jag vill gärna vinna lite härliga charms! :) http://lillpiga.blogspot.com/2009/10/charms.html
SvarSlettanne is that the way you like it, it ok with me i just love all of you wounderfull work of scrap.. that I become a follower rigth oway i read some of you post. if not so inportant the way you have it [decorate,or organized it the most inportan is you cute scrap, keep the great job. thacks for the chance of this candy.
Hej! jättefin blogg redan, men du kunde ju kanske göra en ny rubrik på din blog :)
SvarSlettHar även länkat till dig, jättehärliga charms!
Hej! jag tycker att innehållet i din är jättebra, där behöver du absolut inte ändra nägot men din layout skulle du kunna finjustera med en ny fin rubrik (kanske något som du skapat själv) ochh en annan bakgrund (kanske mönstrad i dova färger?)
SvarSlettJag har länkat till din blog o ditt blogcandy i min vänstra sidebar på min blog:
Tack för chansen att vinna din fina candy! =)
Kramar från Linda
hi Anne- your blog is nice! perfect!
SvarSlettLink you in my side bar and will get a follower of your blog
elborgi from germany
wat een mooie candy om te winnen ik hoop dat ik win .mij blog is http://jannie-jannie.blogspot.com/ ik ben er helemaal verliefd op . jannie
SvarSlettGet yourself a fabby background its so easy and free and there are of places to get them you can contact me if you needs some background blog names! I will post this to my sidebar Blessings Beth
SvarSlettJag är gärna med och tävlar också, har gjort ett inlägg i min blogg! =)
Kram Elenor
i think it would be nice if u add some ornaments to decor ur blog. some of ur lovely creations maybe?
SvarSlettthe charms are lovely.
thx for the chance to win.
i already put u in my sidebar link :)
Hi Anne!
SvarSlettAt first I just want to thank you for all the inspiration!!
Then I want to wine this beautiful candy, of course!! So I´ve linked on my blog
Have a magical thursday!
SvarSlettI think your blog is nice and I think your blog should be a reflection of you and/or your creations. It should be pleasing to you first of all.
This blog candy is fab!!
Thanks for the chance to win..
Have a nice day
I like your blog, may need it as something to decorate and add color .. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia. It would be great to receive such a gift! Thank you for this opportunity.
SvarSlettMy link http://makarona-studio.blogspot.com/
I like your blog and I become a follower.
SvarSlettI put a link to my sidebar.
Try to get yourself a other background. You can download it from the internet, it's free! follow the instructions.
A chatbox is also nice to have on your blog.
grtz Chantal
Hello, sorry, but I don't have an advice for your Blog - I like it like it is :-)
SvarSlettI've linked your wonderful candy to my blog :-)
Hugs, Elena
Hi,Anne! Congrats!
SvarSlettWhat to change?...I would like to see some links to master-class for example...
Link on sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!
Hi! lovely blog candy!! thanks for the chance to win :) Im going to link your blog right now!
SvarSlettI think your blog it ok like this :)
Here is where im going to link it.
Jag tycker den ser super ut. Har lite problem med den gröna texten, men man kan inte tillfredsställa alla, eller hur?
SvarSlettTack för chansen och grattis till så många besökare!
Jag har länkat dig på min candypost: